Tutorial: Order and Item Tabs Application

In this example we will see the creation of an application tab type, where other applications can be opened on the same page. For this example, 4 applications will actually be built. 2 forms, the tab application to group applications and a control application that will function as a filter. Creating an item order form 

1. Create a new multiple registration form application based on the order_details table.

2. On the application menu, click SQL.

3. For the where condition, add the following text: OrderID = [v_order]. The variable inside the square brackets is a global variable used to pass parameters between two forms.

4 – In the application menu, click on the item “Edit Fields” and remove the OrderDetailsid and orderid fields from the screen.

5. Generate the source code of the form by clicking Generate Source from the ScriptCase toolbar.

Creating an order form

5. Create a new simple form application based on the order table.

6. On the application menu, click SQL.

7. For the where condition, add the following text: OrderID = [v_order]. The variable inside the square brackets is a global variable used to pass parameters between two forms.

8 – In Edit Fields, select the following fields

9. Generate the source code of the form by clicking Generate from the ScriptCase toolbar.

Creating a tab application

9. Create a new tab application.

10. Change the properties Table width, Unit of measure, Tab alignment, Application alignment and Exit, according to the following table.

11. Create folders to display in the application by clicking Folder Settings.

12. For Label enter Order and click Add.

13. Repeat the last step to create the Details folder.

14. Click Application Settings to link the applications to the created folders.

15. Select the Order folder and click Add. Select the order form created above and click Next.

16. To the parameters that must be passed, select v_order to receive the variable v_order, created in the control application (filter). Pass the parameters according to the following figure and click Save.

17. Select the Details folder in the application settings and click Add. Select the item form created above and click Next.

18. To pass parameters, report that v_order receives the variable v_order, created in the control application (filter). Pass the parameters according to the following figure and click Save.

19. Generate the source code of the form by clicking Generate from the ScriptCase toolbar.

Creating a control application

20. Creating a new Control application.

21. Open the Fields folder and click on New Field.

22. Enter 1 for Quantity and click Next.

23. Choose the type of selection and enter Order for Name and Label.

24. Click on the edit search for the Order field and enter the instructions below in the SQL selection statement.

select orderid, sc_concat (orderid, '-', customerid) 
from orders 
order by orderid, customerid

25. Creates the link between the Control and the created tab application. Open the Links folder and click on New Link.

26. Click on Create new link. On the next screen, select the Application Type link and click Next.

27. Select the tab application created earlier and click Next.

28. Enter the value of the Order field to the variable v_order. Click Next.

29. Click Save to complete the link and run the application.

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