Tutorial: Tab application with Grid and Form

In this example we will see the creation of an application tab type, where other applications can be opened on the same page. For this example, three applications are actually created. 1 form, 1 grid and the application of tabs to group applications.

Creating a form

1. Create a new simple form application based on the category table.

2. Generate the source code of the form by clicking Generate Source from the ScriptCase toolbar.

Creating a grid

3. Create a new Grid application based on the category table.

4 – In the Grid modules, change the number of lines per page and the width of the table.

5 – In Edit fields, remove the categoryid field from the screen.

6. Generate the source code of the form by clicking Generate Source from the ScriptCase toolbar.

Creating a tab application

5. Create a new tab application.

6. Create folders to display in the application in Folder Settings.

7. In Tag, enter “Category form” and click Add.

8. Repeat the last step to create the “Category grid” folder.

9. Click Application Settings to link the applications to the created folders.

10. Select the first folder and click Add. Select the form created above and click Next.

11. Pass the parameters according to the following figure and click Save.

12. Select the second folder in the application settings and click Add. Select the grid created previously and click Next.

13. Pass the parameters according to the following figure and click Save

14. Click to run the application.

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