In this example, we will create an application with update tables with many or many relationships using the Double Select object.
Creating a Form
1. Create a new application form based on the employee table.
2. In the application menu, open the Fields folder and click on the employeeid field.
3. On the Edit tab of the Database Value, change the Insert property to Automatic (automatic) increment.
4. On the application menu, click Field Positioning and delete all fields except employeeid, lastname, firstname, title and titleofcourtesy.
Creating a many-to-many relationship
5. On the application menu, go to the NN Relationships folder and click on the New Relationship item.
6. In the Field property, write territories, for Data type, select Integer and Label write Territories. To continue, click on the Next button.
7. Click Choose Table and choose the table of territories, and then click the Next button.
8. Check the generated SQL command, if necessary you can modify it. To continue, click on the Next button.
9. In the Object property, select the Double Select option and the Height property, enter 15.
10. Selecting the relationship table. In the Name property of the table, the option Operadeeterritories.
11. Matching the employee fields and employee tables. For the employeeid field select employeeid.
12. This step will be related to the foreign key field. Select the territory field and click Next.
13. See settings. Change the Vertical alignment property to Start and click the Next button.
14. Then we finish the config, and press button Run application
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