Tutorial: Responsive login form 2

To learn how to use the templates available within the ScriptCase in the security module, follow these steps:

1 – Create a new Control application.

2 – Check the option to use HTML Template

3 – When opening the application’s edition, in ” User HTML “, this is where we define the source code of the application. We can use the ” HTML “, ” CSS ” and ” Javascript ” tabs to create the necessary code to display the application, or we can use the ” External library ” option to select an existing html file.

4 – We will use the external library, and select our file “ login02.html ”

5 – Run the application

In the Security module

1 – First, let’s create a security module, accessing the menu “Modules >> Security”

2 – Select one of the Security types. In this example, we will use the “Group” type.

3 – Select the connection and define whether you want Scriptcase to create security tables, or use tables that already exist in the database.

4 – Make or confirm the association of the fields that will be used in security.

5 – Then, in “Configuration”, click on the item “Login Template”, and check Yes in the option ” Use template in the login screen “. You can then select an existing template or create a new one. We will use “login02”.

6 – If the option is not enabled, click on “ Enable external libraries ”.

7 – We will be redirected to the “External Libraries” options, where we should check ” Use the library ” ” samples ” and finally ” Save project libraries

8 – Returning to the security module settings, select the template, and proceed with the other settings until you finish creating the module.

9 – Open the login application that was created by the security module.

10 – Run the application

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