Tutorial: Tree menu

In this tutorial we show how to create a Tree Menu. This menu organizes your items vertically in a tree format with parent and child items. See the example below:

Creating the menu

1. Create a new tree menu application.

Creating menu items.

2. To create the items that will be part of the menu, in the application menu click on the item “Menu Items” .

In the menu that we will create there is a hierarchy, so that we will have items and sub-items. Initially we will insert the main menu items.

3. Add the main elements. Enter the form on the item label and click Insert Element.

In the example we are using language variables to obtain a system in several languages. Learn more about our data dictionary tool . You can also add the name of the labels manually in the “text” field.

Creating Sub-items in the menu

4. To create subitems, it is necessary to have the item checked and then click on the arrow “>” to define the hierarchy in levels.

5. In the table below we inform which items and subitems were used to create this example. We also inform the name of the applications called each item, all applications exist within our sample project “Samples” .

Item (Label)Application
Master / Detailform38
Multiple Recordsform40
Editable Gridform39
Unique Key Validationform44
Group By – Customers x Statesgrid05
Pivot Table Summarygrid29
Simple Drill Downgrid14
Business Cardpdf02

6. After the menu is created, we will add one last item with the target leave to serve for the user to leave the menu or exit the system.

It is also possible to configure hint and icons (with support for the Font Awesome icon library).

7. After completing the settings, our menu is ready for viewing and testing, click on the Scriptcase main menu option  “Run Application” .

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