In this tutorial, a Query linked to a Form will be created, be displayed in the same window. The following extra features will be used:
- Connection between Applications
- Field Positioning
Creating and configuring the Form application.
If you have any questions on how to create a Form, go to: Creating a new Form
1. Create a “Form” application and select the “Single Record” option , then select the “sec_users” sample table .

2. Still in the application creation window, if you want a better display of the Form, select the “Fields” tab and change the Label of the fields, as shown below:

3. Once this is done, in the application menu, select the “ Field Positioning ” item .

4. Remove the Pswd field.

4. Generate the grid source code by clicking in Generate Source in the ScriptCase toolbar.

Creating a Grid Application
If you have any questions on how to create a Consultation, go to: Creating a new Grid
1. Create a “Grid” application based on the “sec_users” sample table .

2. Once this is done, in the application menu, select the “Field Positioning” item and remove only the “Pswd” field .

3. Returning to the Application Menu, access the option “ Applications links” .

4. Then, select the “Create New Connection” button , choose the “Edit Link” option and click the “Next” button .

5. When the list of Applications appears, choose the Form Application created at the beginning of this tutorial.

6. Now, It will be necessary to inform the values that will be passed to the parameters of the Form, so that it can be opened in the record chosen through the Grid. Enter the values according to the image below.

7. Finally, the Connection settings will be defined. In the “Link operation mode” property , select the option “Open in an iframe” , remove the navigation and exclusion buttons and position the iframe on the right. To end the Connection wizard, click the Save button. Configure according to the image below.

8. Click on the button “Run application”.

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