Tutorial: Tutorial: Grid with modal filter.

This tutorial will show how to configure a query filter to display in a modal window, using the resources:

  • Modal filter
  • Grid modules

Creation of a Grid application with Modal Filter.


If you have any questions about how to create a Query, visit: Create a new Grid

1 – Create a new application “Grid” and select the sample table “Customers“.

2– Also in the application creation window, if you want a better view of the Query, select the “EDIT FIELDS” tab and change the Label of the fields, as shown below:


If you already have a data dictionary created and it is associated with the repository, the labels will already be defined

3 – In the Grid Application menu, access the item “Grid Modules

4 – Select “Grid” as the Initial Module, and then, in the Search Module, change the option “ Search Modal” to “ Yes ”, as shown in the following image.

5 – Finally, select the “Run Application” button on the top toolbar to generate the Grid.

To see more examples created with Scriptcase, go to: Examples: Complete systems and applications with Scriptcase

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