Tutorial: Advanced search with relative periods

This tutorial shows how to use special conditions for Date fields in a Search. 

Creating a new grid

  1. Create a new grid application using the table “sales”. 


  1. Into the initial options “Grid Modules”, select the “Search” as the initial Module and uncheck the unnecessary application modules.

  1. Click on Fields Positioning in the menu and select the fields that you want to display on the Grid.

  1. Open the Search menu and click on “Advanced Search >> Select Fields” to choose the Date field.

  1. Now access the “Search Criteria” option.

  1. Choose the search criterias to field. Selecting the field on the left panel then click on the “All” button.

  1. Still in the Search menu, open the “Fields” folder and click on the “Date” field.

  1. Open the “Special Conditions” tab, select the option “Specials/Normals” and check the boxes for the periods you want to use.

  1. Click the Run button on the toolbar. 

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