In this tutorial we will see the steps that must be followed to create a form with a mind map.
Form application creation
1 – Create a “ Single Record ” form application
2 – Add a new field to the form. This will be of the “label” type, the name will be chart_mindmap.
3 – Access “Layout >> Blocks” to place the position of the labels above the fields.
4 – Access “Edit fields” and organize the fields according to the image.
5 – Access the edition of the “mindmap_jason” field
6 – Check the “hidden field” option
7 – Now we are going to create a Javascript function that will be in charge of building the mindmap. Go to “Programming >> JavaScript Methods >> New Method”.
8 – The function name will be “ drawChart ”, and the code:
ar_langs = arrLangs.split(";");
var mind_data = {};
if (jsonobj == 0 ){
mind_data = {
"name":"jsMind remote",
{"id":"easy1","topic":"Easy to show"},
{"id":"easy2","topic":"Easy to edit"}
{"id":"open","topic":"Open Source","direction":"right","children":[
{"id":"open1","topic":"on GitHub", "background-color":"#eee", "foreground-color":"blue"},
{"id":"open2","topic":"BSD License"}
{"id":"powerful1","topic":"Base on Javascript"},
{"id":"powerful2","topic":"Base on HTML5"}
{"id":"other","topic":"test node","direction":"left","children":[
{"id":"other1","topic":"Im from local variable"},
{"id":"other2","topic":"I can do everything"}
mind_data = JSON.parse(jsonobj);
var mind_options = {
container: 'mindmap',
theme: 'scriptcase',
editable: true
var mind =,mind_data);
var mind_tree = {};
// Actual items
mind_tree = JSON.stringify(;
// Append menu
$('jmnode').append('<div class="node-menu"><span></span><ul><li class="item-add"><a href="#">New node</a></li><li class="item-del"><a href="#">Remove node</a></li></ul></div>');
// Open Menu
$('jmnode .node-menu span').click(function(e){
// Refresh node tree
function refreshMindTree() {
mind_tree = jsMind.current.get_data();
var objstr = mind_tree;
mind_tree = JSON.stringify(;
document.getElementById(strJsonFld).value = JSON.stringify(objstr);
// Add item
$('.item-add a').click(function(e){
var node_selected = mind.get_selected_node();
var node_topic = 'test';
var node_id = jsMind.util.uuid.newid();
mind.add_node(node_selected, node_id, node_topic);
// Refresh node tree
// Remove item
$('.item-del a').click(function(e){
var node_selected = mind.get_selected_node();
node_selected =;
// Refresh node tree
// Click outside to hide menu
$('html, body').click(function(){
$('jmnode.selected .node-menu').removeClass('active')
9 – Use the option to enter parameters in the function call.
10 – We will use 3 parameters: jsonobj , strJsonFld and arrLangs
11 – Finally, within the onLoad event, the following code is added
{chart_mindmap} = '<div id="mindmap" style="width:98%;height:350px;"></div>';
{mindmap_json} = 0;
// Call javascript function
$langs = {lang_mindmaps_update}.";".{lang_mindmaps_layout}.";".{lang_mindmaps_undo}.";".{lang_mindmaps_redo}.";".{lang_mindmaps_save}.";".{lang_mindmaps_load};
sc_ajax_javascript( 'drawChart', array({mindmap_json}, 'id_sc_field_mindmap_json',$langs) );
12 – Now we save and run the application
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