Tutorial: Grid with dynamic themes

In this example, a grid application is created, where the function is enabled to dynamically change the scheme at run time.

Choosing the themes of the project

1. Initially, it is necessary to choose the themes that are available in the project and available for applications. Go to the ScriptCase menu project and click on Properties.

2. Open the THEMES tab and choose the themes to be used in the project. Click Finish.

Creating the grid application

3. Create a new grid application based on the “categories table.

4. In the application menu, click on the Field Positioning item and hide the “description” and “picture” fields.

5. Select Toolbar from the application menu. And we enable the Themes button

6. Click on the Run button on the toolbar.

To see more examples created with Scriptcase, go to: Examples: Complete systems and applications with Scriptcase

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