Tutorial: Card View HTML


This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Grid application using the “User defined” orientation that allows the developer to use an HTML template to display data records retrieved from a table or SQL query.

Creating the Grid application

1. Create a Grid application using the table employees.

If you have any questions about how to create a Grid, visit: Creating a new Grid

 2- In the initial settings, change the orientation of the Grid module to the “User defined” type. The number of lines, equal to 1.

 3- In the menu “Settings”, change the item “Columns per Page” to 10. (This item is what defines the amount of records displayed by pages in a User defined)

Configuring the fields

1- Let’s access the settings of the field photo and select the data type “Image (Database)” as shown in the image below.

2- Now use the “New Field” option to create a text field called “fullname

3- In the onRecord event, let’s concatenate the fields lastname and firstname and assign to the field fullname.

Configuring the Layout

For this example, we want to present an employee’s data through a “card” design made using HTML and CSS basically.

1- We can include an HTML/CSS code through the main menu of Scriptcase “Layout >> HTML Templates”

2- Then use the “New Template” button to enter your custom code.

3- In the window that opens, name the template, select the type “User HTML (Grid)”, whether the HTML will be available: public, by project or by user, and then upload the HTML file to the Scriptcase.

The code we will use for this example is as follows:



        .card {

                border: 1px solid #D1DDE2;

                background: white;

                width: 15%;

        min-width: 200px;

                border-radius: 10px;

                overflow: hidden;

                float: left;

                margin-right: 10px;

        margin-left: 10px;

                margin-bottom: 20px;

                /*min-height: 350px;*/

                font-family: “Open Sans”;

                font-size: 13px;



        text-align: center;

        margin-top: 20px;


        .card a {

        color: #3793D4;

        text-decoration: none;



        div.card:hover {

                /*text-decoration: underline;*/

        background: #E2E2E2;


        .card .card-block {

                padding: 10px 15px;


    .card img {

      /*width: 250px;*/

      height: 200px;


    .card .card-block .card-title {

      color: #3793D4;

      font-size: 16px;

      margin: 0;

      /*min-height: 35px;*/


    .card .card-block .card-text {

      /*min-height: 100px;*/


    .card .card-footer {

      padding: 10px 15px;

      background: #f2f2f2;

      font-weight: bold;

      color: #777;


    .card .card-footer small {

      opacity: .5;

      display: block;

      font-weight: normal;

      color: black;




<!– BEGIN bl2 –>

<div class=”card”>

 <a href=”#”>

    <div class=”thumb-img”>




        <div class=”card-block”>

                <h4 class=”card-title”>




                <p class=”card-text”>






        <div class=”card-footer”>

                {fld_1} {fld_2}



                        {fld_3} {fld_4}





<!– END bl2 –>

Note 1: For more information on how to create an HTML file to be used as “User defined” and available resources, visit the Manual.

Note 2: Note that in the code, we specified the variables {fld_img}, {fld_desc}, {fld_1}, {fld_2}, {fld_3} and {fld_4} that we will use to display the values ​​of the Grid fields.

Basically, in an HTML template, we should use:

  • <style> tag to create the CSS and style the view format.
  • Use the tag <!– BEGIN bl2 –> indicating the beginning of a Loop, as we will need Scriptcase to write an object for each record in the table.
  • Inthen we must write the HTML object that will be used to display the records. Here, we must use variables between braces ( {fld_1} ) to indicate where it should be replaced by the dynamic content of the table’s fields.
  • Finally, use the tag <!– END bl2 –> indicating the end of the Loop.

4-  Use the button preview to check the front-end display, and click to To save the template.

5- In the application menu, access the item “Layout >> Settings”.

6- Then select the desired HTML into the “Body Template”.

7- Now we must access the “field positioning” item to be able to associate the values ​​ofexhibition to our HTML variables.

Click on the “Run application” button.

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